
What's Jeanasina doing right now?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tiptoeing into the world of Acupuncture

I'm doing something I never thought I'd do! I'm getting Acupuncture! To Lose Weight! First off...I'm not a big needle fan. For years I equated 'shots or needles' with 'FAINT'. I remember a friend telling me about getting Acupuncture and the mere 'mind image' of what my friend probably looked like with dozens of needles sticking all over her....S C A R Y! Danger! Don't even THINK about that whole thing concerning NEEDLES!

Then one day, a ka-zillion years later...I was pondering every diet plan endorsement I watched on TV when out of no-where I thought the word "Acupuncture!" I looked at the ba-zillion reviews for Acupuncture places and came to one that appeared to me to be the 'real deal'. I made an appointment and got a 'consultation'. The actual Acupuncturist is a man. He's tall and lean and very purposeful. He answered all my questions and showed me that several Acupuncture needles could fit in the eye of a needle! Then he stuck one in his hand while I watched and pretty much said "Look! I feel no pain!" He made it look effortless! Still, I was not compelled to yell out "Let me try it!".

Acupuncture for Weight Loss is not cheap! It's also not covered by insurance! You gotta REALLY want it! The acupuncturist told me he thought he could help me to lose weight and to STOP binge eating and to STOP overeating! I told him ALL the goodies that I crave constantly! We talked about cake and cookies and chocolate and ice cream and Hostess Snowballs! Did I really want this guy to FIX that? It won't be easy...I can pretty much picture a lovely piece of chocolate cake with chocolate frosting (thick) and if I had a piece in front of me I'd undoubtedly EAT IT! I really can't imagine NOT wanting any of those things! Sometimes those treats are the best part of my day! Hmmmm, wouldn't it be cool, if after I got Acupuncture, that every time I saw a malted milk shake or a cake donut, I'd picture myself drinking a vat of lard or biting into a rubber dog toy? I don't think that's what will happen...but it COULD! I'd like that! I think I'd really like that! It would make it SO much easier to not want to eat processed JUNK!

I'd like it if every single thing I have been imaging while getting Acupuncture ACTUALLY HAPPENS! If this works and I lose weight...I'll be over the moon happy! As one of my workout DVD's says..."I want my body to feel as good as it possibly can!" I would LOVE to feel that!

In the meantime...I go twice a week and the good Doctor of Acupuncture calmly sticks needles into and around my ears and in my arms and hands and in my legs. Not once have I screamed! Let me say this...if you are wondering whether to get a tattoo or try Acupuncture - go with the Acupuncture! The needles are NOTHING compared to getting a tattoo! It's a walk in the park in case you are also wondering about that!

I never fall asleep but I think a lot of other people who enjoy resting in a serene environment for 30-40 minutes with their eyes closed will like this! Then there is the part later that day when you feel unexplainably happy! You go around actualy telling people that you are so HAPPY! You feel that good! They say that this is like a runner's high - after experiencing that I wish I had started running when I was young! No wonder all those people KEEP running over and over, year after year! Anyway...the up feeling you get sometimes from Acupuncture is pretty great! I spent an entire day recently, after an appointment, filled with energy! I got a million things done and I had fun! I think I even exercised that day!

The acupuncturist actually says my liver is 'wet'. "Wet" is not a good thing in Acupuncture. "Picture a humid dank swamp." he said to me. That's how my liver is. "Let's dry that sucker out!" I think to myself! My entire style of eating has changed. I'm learning a lot about organic, I even watched "Food Inc." - that REALLY made you think twice about what you eat!

I'm making changes - I hope they make a change in me. Well that's it for tonight.

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